/About Me

About Me

me at the beautiful state of Maine

My name is Danny Chrisnanto Koordi. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a BBA majoring in Finance, with a second major in Philosophy in December of 2016. Currently I am helping out at my family’s business as they restructure their operations to better compete in the new economic environment. However, I will be joining KPMG in Singapore this coming September as an audit associate.

What I hope to gain by creating the Economical Rice Podcast is to experience things from the producer’s perspective: creating a product, tweaking it, collecting feedback, developing a brand, maintaining an audience, etc, etc. I believe that in this day and age, one needs to be an entrepreneur in order to attain financial independence. This project is hopefully the first step towards something bigger and better.

While I recognize that scaling and competing in the podcast market will take tremendous effort, I will be grateful for each and every listener that builds the listener base and the brand; I can only hope that you can find value in what I have to offer.

graduation day with the dean of the UW-Madison Business School